Aims and Scope

Communications in Nonlinear Analysis (Commun. Nonlinear Anal.) is an international journal that provides very fast publication focuses on papers that address significant problems in Nonlinear Analysis that have a sustainable and important impact on the development of new directions in the theory as well as potential applications. In particular, only papers within the areas of specialization of the Editorial Board Members will be considered.

Communications in Nonlinear Analysis (Commun. Nonlinear Anal.)  is a journal that aims to unite and stimulate the mathematical research community. It publishes original research papers on all areas of nonlinear analysis and applications. All articles are fully refereed and are judged by their contribution to advancing the state of the science of mathematics. 

Manuscripts are invited from academicians, research students, and scientists for publication consideration. Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through online submission with the understanding that they have not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere.

Aims & Scope:

• Fixed-Point Algorithms for Optimization

• Nonlinear Functional Analysis

• Convex Analysis

• Variational inequalities

• Equilibrium problems

• Game Theory and its applications in economics

• Geometric Properties of Banach Spaces

• Nonlinear Iteration Methods

• Metric Fixed Point Theory and Applications

• Iterative algorithm of Fixed Points

• Best approximation and fixed point theorems